stan wrote:
I run an app that calls ALSA library functions in order to determine
sound hardware characteristics and set sound hardware characteristics,
in particular the hardware supported frame rates. Since the latest
updates in Rawhide this breaks with the following error message:
*** PULSEAUDIO: Unable to connect: Connection refused
cannot open audio device "default" (Connection refused)
Segmentation fault ( <-- the app generated this)
I tried using the kill command with pulseaudio but it won't get rid of
it. I tried uninstalling pulseaudio, but it still is there. I went to
services to disable it, and it isn't there either. How do I stop it
correctly? I didn't actually ask to have it run so I'm not sure why it
is running.
Can Pulseaudio be configured to allow direct access to ALSA?
Can it be bypassed to directly access ALSA while it is running or does
it monopolize the sound system?
Is this a bug that should be reported upstream?
Will removing pulseaudio cause any breakages in applications? i.e. is
it optional?
Thanks for any clarification and pointers to help.
Some clarification for those that don't want pulseaudio enabled by
default. In rawhide there is a file in /etc/alsa called
pulse-default.conf. This makes pulseaudio the default device for sound
for alsa. If you need to disable this, just move it to something like
pulse-default.conf.bak and run /sbin/alsactl restore. Pulseaudio will
no longer be default device. Perhaps you might want to look at setting
pulseaudio so it is only run on demand instead. The configuration is in
/etc/pulse or ~/.pulse and the pulseaudio FAQ on the webpage suggests
this: Set autospawn = yes in client.conf.
As soon as I removed pulseaudio as the default audio device my app began
working properly again.
The pulseaudio plugin for alsa is probably only suitable for very simple
use of alsa as, from the perfect setup page on the website: "The
PulseAudio plugin for ALSA supports audio playback, audio capturing and
supports the mixer." - I think this means that it is basically the
default device of alsa. Not negligible, but a far from complete
representation of alsa. Once I can get pulseaudio set up on rawhide
properly, I'll check further.
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