On Thu, 18 Oct 2007, Aravind Seshadri wrote:
I installed online-desktop on an i386 machine which was running rawhide
(rawhide after Fedora 8 Test 2 was released). I made online-desktop as
my default desktop environment. When Test 3 was released I used the DVD
to upgrade from T2 to T3.
I haven't noticed it before but now I am unable to log into GNOME.
Whenever I log in to GNOME, I was taken back to online-desktop. So I
uninstalled online-desktop using yum. Now I cannot get back to GNOME at
all. Even though there is no session for online-desktop I was taken back
to online-desktop. When I tried the instructions given on this page [1]
I get a blank screen with no panels and no mouse or keyboard controls. I
completely lost GNOME.
According to wiki, online-desktop is for F8 some kind of experiment. Did
you tried that with new user? If it works there then probably your
~/.gnome etc. needs cleanup.
Any idea what is going on.
[1] http://live.gnome.org/OnlineDesktop/GetRunning
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