hi, I tried to do an install from the last Rawhide Live CD with no success. After the GRUB settings screen anaconda generates traceback and crashes. I attach it. Bug filled against anaconda (rhbz #280171). Martin
anaconda None exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 385, in setupDevices devdesc = "%s - %s" % (self.devices[device].info["HWADDR"],self.devices[device].info["DESC"]) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 438, in getScreen self.devlist = self.setupDevices() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1141, in setScreen new_screen = self.currentWindow.getScreen(anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1052, in nextClicked self.setScreen () KeyError: 'DESC' Local variables in innermost frame: devdesc: 00:16:D4:1A:34:78 - Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller num: 1 self: <NetworkWindow.NetworkWindow instance at 0x9bf178c> device: wlan0 bootproto: dhcp ipv4: DHCP ipv6: Auto active: False onboot: no store: <gtk.TreeStore object at 0x9bef89c (GtkTreeStore at 0x9c950d0)> devnames: ['eth0', 'wlan0', 'wmaste'] Anaconda instance, containing members: rootPath: /mnt/sysimage rescue_mount: True intf: InstallInterface instance, containing members: intf.icw: InstallControlWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.handle: 649 intf.icw.mainxml: <glade.XML object at 0x97142ac (PyGladeXML at 0x97ed580)> intf.icw.reloadRcQueued: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow: NetworkWindow instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.network: Network instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.network.hostname: localhost.localdomain intf.icw.currentWindow.network.overrideDHCPhostname: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.network.netdevices: {'wmaste': DEVICE=wmaste ONBOOT=no , 'wlan0': DEVICE=wlan0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR=00:16:CF:45:0E:E4 ONBOOT=no , 'eth0': DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=dhcp HWADDR=00:16:D4:1A:34:78 ONBOOT=yes } intf.icw.currentWindow.network.primaryNS: intf.icw.currentWindow.network.firstnetdevice: eth0 intf.icw.currentWindow.network.isConfigured: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.network.domains: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.network.secondaryNS: intf.icw.currentWindow.network.gateway: intf.icw.currentWindow.ethdevices: <NetworkDeviceCheckList object at 0x9befeb4 (GtkTreeView at 0x9a78a18)> intf.icw.currentWindow.hostname: localhost.localdomain intf.icw.currentWindow.devices: {'wmaste': Already dumped , 'wlan0': Already dumped , 'eth0': Already dumped } intf.icw.currentWindow.numdevices: 3 intf.icw.currentWindow.ics: InstallControlState instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.prevEnabled: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.cw: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.nextEnabled: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.grabNext: True intf.icw.currentWindow.ics.title: Network Configuration intf.icw.currentWindow.id: InstallData instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.firewall: Firewall instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.firewall.portlist: [22:tcp] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.firewall.trustdevs: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.firewall.enabled: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.rootParts: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.upgradeRoot: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup: XSetup instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.skipx: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver: XServer instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.videohw: primary: 0 vidCards: [<rhpxl.videocard.VideoCard instance at 0x95878ac>, <rhpxl.videocard.VideoCard instance at 0x958786c>] Primary Video Card Info: device: None driver : intel descr : Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller vidRam: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.serverflags: [vt6, -config, /tmp/XConfig.test, -extension, Composite, -s, 1440, -dpms, -v, -ac, -nolisten, tcp] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.resolution: 800x600 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.root: / intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate: XF86HardwareState instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIFn: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor: monName: None monID: Unprobed Monitor monHoriz: None monVert: None physicalWidth: 0 physicalHeight: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.config_resolutions: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_name: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.monitor_name: Unknown monitor intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.video_ram: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_driver: intel intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_options: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.all_resolutions: [640x480, 800x480, 800x512, 800x600, 848x480, 854x480, 1024x600, 1024x768, 1152x768, 1152x864, 1200x900, 1280x720, 1280x800, 1280x854, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768, 1400x900, 1400x1050, 1440x900, 1600x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1900x1200, 1920x1080, 1920x1200, 1920x1440, 2048x1536, 2560x1600] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.hsync: 31.5-37.9 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.vsync: 50-70 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.probed_video_ram: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIBus: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.colordepth: 24 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.videocard_PCIDev: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.resolution: 800x600 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.dri_enabled: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.hwstate.xconfig: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.monitorhw: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard: Keyboard instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.info: {'KEYBOARDTYPE': pc, 'KEYTABLE': us} intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.type: PC intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard.beenset: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.keyboard._mods: KeyboardModels instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.mousehw: FULLNAME="Generic - 3 Button Mouse (PS/2)" MOUSETYPE="imps2" XEMU3="no" XMOUSETYPE="IMPS/2" intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.defaultdepth: 24 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.logfile: /dev/null intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.config: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.xserver.display: :9 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.xsetup.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.keyboard: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.timezone: Timezone instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.timezone.utc: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.timezone.arc: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.timezone.tz: America/New_York intf.icw.currentWindow.id.mouse: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.zfcp: ZFCP instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.zfcp.hasReadConfig: True intf.icw.currentWindow.id.zfcp.fcpdevs: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.upgrade: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.monitor: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.iscsi: <iscsi.iscsi object at 0x97100ac> intf.icw.currentWindow.id.methodstr: livecd:///dev/live-osimg intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset: FileSystemSet instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.messageWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.messageWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0x9596d0c>> intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.volumesCreated: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.progressWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.progressWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0x9596d0c>> intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.migratedfs: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.waitWindow: <bound method InstallInterface.waitWindow of <gui.InstallInterface instance at 0x9596d0c>> intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.entries: [fsentry -- device: VolGroup00/LogVol00 mountpoint: / fsystem: ext3 format: True ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: VolGroup00/LogVol02 mountpoint: /home fsystem: ext3 format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sda1 mountpoint: /boot fsystem: ext3 format: True ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: /boot , fsentry -- device: shm mountpoint: /dev/shm fsystem: tmpfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: devpts mountpoint: /dev/pts fsystem: devpts format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'gid=5,mode=620' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sys mountpoint: /sys fsystem: sysfs format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: proc mountpoint: /proc fsystem: proc format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: sda2 mountpoint: None fsystem: physical volume (LVM) format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: VolGroup00 mountpoint: None fsystem: volume group (LVM) format: 0 ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None , fsentry -- device: VolGroup00/LogVol01 mountpoint: swap fsystem: swap format: True ismounted: 0 options: 'defaults' bytesPerInode: 4096 label: None ] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.fsset.mountcount: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.desktop: Desktop instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.desktop.info: {} intf.icw.currentWindow.id.desktop.runlevel: 3 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.x_already_set: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend: LiveCDCopyBackend instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.modeText: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.instPath: /mnt/sysimage intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.supportsPackageSelection: False intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.skipFormatRoot: True intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.instLog: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.supportsUpgrades: False intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.method: LiveCDImageMethod instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.method.intf: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.method.tree: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.method.rootPath: /mnt/sysimage intf.icw.currentWindow.id.backend.method.osimg: //dev/live-osimg intf.icw.currentWindow.id.firstboot: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.diskset: DiskSet instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.diskset.initializedDisks: {'sda': True} intf.icw.currentWindow.id.diskset.disks: {'sda': <PedDisk object at 0x940be60>} intf.icw.currentWindow.id.diskset.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.diskset.onlyPrimary: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.users: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.displayMode: g intf.icw.currentWindow.id.auth: --enableshadow --enablemd5 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.ksdata: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader: x86BootloaderInfo instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.doUpgradeOnly: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.above1024: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.defaultDevice: mbr intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.pure: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.serialDevice: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.args: KernelArguments instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.args.args: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.kernelLocation: /boot/ intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.device: sda intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.configfile: /etc/lilo.conf intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.kickstart: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.serialOptions: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.useGrubVal: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader._drivelist: [sda] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.images: BootImages instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.images.default: VolGroup00/LogVol00 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.images.images: {'VolGroup00/LogVol00': ('linux', 'Fedora', 'ext3')} intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.drivelist: [sda] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.serial: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.password: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.bootloader.forceLBA32: False intf.icw.currentWindow.id.extraModules: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.network: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instClass: DefaultInstall instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.floppyDevice: fd0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions: Partitions instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.useFdisk: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.useAutopartitioning: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.autoClearPartType: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.nextUniqueID: 8 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.reinitializeDisks: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.zeroMbr: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.isKickstart: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.requests: [PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None format: True migrate: 0 origfstype: ext3FileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [] origfstype.checked: 1 origfstype.name: ext3 origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: -1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [e2fsprogs] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [-j] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: <PedFileSystemType object at 0x91416e0> origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None fsopts: None preexist: 1 fslabel: /boot uniqueID: 1 device: sda1 mountpoint: /boot requestSize: 101.944335938 grow: 0 size: 101.944335938 end: 208844 bytesPerInode: 4096 drive: sda dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.device: sda1 dev.isSetup: 0 dev.doLabel: 1 dev.deviceOptions: dev.label: None maxSizeMB: None start: 63 protected: 0 multidrive: None ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 fstype: Already dumped , PreexistingPartitionSpec instance, containing members: currentDrive: None migrate: None origfstype: lvmPhysicalVolumeDummyFileSystem instance, containing members: origfstype.partedPartitionFlags: [6] origfstype.checked: 0 origfstype.name: physical volume (LVM) origfstype.migratetofs: None origfstype.deviceArguments: {} origfstype.linuxnativefs: 1 origfstype.maxSizeMB: 8388608 origfstype.supported: 1 origfstype.defaultOptions: defaults origfstype.packages: [lvm2] origfstype.extraFormatArgs: [] origfstype.formattable: 1 origfstype.partedFileSystemType: <PedFileSystemType object at 0x9141860> origfstype.maxLabelChars: 16 primary: None dev: PartitionDevice instance, containing members: dev.device: sda2 dev.isSetup: 0 dev.doLabel: 1 dev.deviceOptions: dev.label: None uniqueID: 2 mountpoint: None requestSize: 95291.8066406 size: 95291.8066406 end: 195366464 grow: 0 start: 208845 ignoreBootConstraints: 0 type: 1 format: None fsopts: None fstype: Already dumped preexist: 1 device: sda2 maxSizeMB: None bytesPerInode: 4096 drive: sda fslabel: None protected: 0 multidrive: None , VG Request -- name: VolGroup00 uniqueID: 7 format: None pesize: 32768 physvols: [2] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: 4 type: ext3 format: True size: 13984 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: 7 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: /home uniqueID: 6 type: ext3 format: False size: 80256 lvname: LogVol02 volgroup: 7 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: 5 type: swap format: True size: 992 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: 7 bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' ] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.autoPartitionRequests: [New Part Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: physical volume (LVM) format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 0 grow: 1 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , VG Request -- name: lvm uniqueID: None format: 1 pesize: 32768 physvols: [] , LV Request -- mountpoint: / uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 size: 1024 lvname: LogVol00 volgroup: lvm bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , New Part Request -- mountpoint: /boot uniqueID: None type: ext3 format: 1 device: None drive: None primary: None size: 100 grow: 0 maxsize: None start: None end: None migrate: None fslabel: None origfstype: None bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' , LV Request -- mountpoint: None uniqueID: None type: swap format: 1 size: 1000 lvname: LogVol01 volgroup: lvm bytesPerInode: 4096 options: 'None' ] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.partitions.deletes: [] intf.icw.currentWindow.id.isHeadless: 0 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.videocard: Already dumped intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instLanguage: Language instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instLanguage.targetLang: None intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instLanguage.default: en_US.UTF-8 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instLanguage.displayMode: g intf.icw.currentWindow.id.instLanguage.current: en_US.UTF-8 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.security: Security instance, containing members: intf.icw.currentWindow.id.security.selinux: 1 intf.icw.currentWindow.id.upgradeSwapInfo: None intf.icw.window: <gtk.Window object at 0x97141e4 (GtkWindow at 0x97fb9a0)> intf.icw.installFrame: <gtk.Frame object at 0x9714284 (GtkFrame at 0x9761cf0)> intf.icw.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.rnv: ReleaseNotesViewer instance, containing members: intf.icw.rnv.textWin: <gtk.Window object at 0x971420c (GtkWindow at 0x97fb840)> intf.icw.rnv.vue: <gtkhtml2.View object at 0x9714194 (HtmlView at 0x97d1870)> intf.icw.rnv.currentURI: None intf.icw.rnv.topDir: None intf.icw.rnv.doc: <gtkhtml2.Document object at 0x97140cc (HtmlDocument at 0x97c9490)> intf.icw.rnv.height: 600 intf.icw.rnv.width: 800 intf.icw.rnv.opener: FancyURLopener instance, containing members: intf.icw.rnv.opener._URLopener__unlink: <built-in function unlink> intf.icw.rnv.opener._URLopener__tempfiles: [] intf.icw.rnv.opener.cert_file: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.addheaders: [('User-Agent', 'Python-urllib/1.17')] intf.icw.rnv.opener.tries: 0 intf.icw.rnv.opener.ftpcache: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.tempcache: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.auth_cache: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.key_file: None intf.icw.rnv.opener.proxies: {} intf.icw.rnv.opener.maxtries: 10 intf.icw.rnv.anaconda: Already dumped intf.icw.rnv.htmlheader: <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body bgcolor="white"><pre> intf.icw.rnv.htmlfooter: </pre></body></html> intf.icw.rnv.is_showing: False intf.runres: 800x600 intf.anaconda: Already dumped rescue: False updateSrc: None methodstr: livecd:///dev/live-osimg dispatch: Dispatcher instance, containing members: dispatch.step: 23 dispatch.skipSteps: {'upgradecontinue': 1, 'group-selection': 2, 'findrootparts': 1, 'findinstall': 1, 'language': 2, 'upgradeswapsuggestion': 1, 'confirmupgrade': 1, 'tasksel': 2, 'upgrademount': 1, 'autopartitionexecute': 1, 'upgbootloader': 1, 'upgrademigfind': 1, 'addswap': 1, 'upgrademigratefs': 1, 'regkey': 1} dispatch.firstStep: 0 dispatch.method: Already dumped dispatch.anaconda: Already dumped method: Already dumped isKickstart: False id: Already dumped dir: 1 backend: Already dumped /tmp/anaconda.log: 08:45:59 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 08:46:00 INFO : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--method=livecd:///dev/live-osimg', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8'] 08:46:00 INFO : Display mode = g 08:46:00 INFO : Method = livecd:///dev/live-osimg 08:46:00 WARNING : no floppy devices found but we'll try fd0 anyway 08:46:03 INFO : Starting graphical installation... 08:46:04 INFO : Detected 1504M of memory 08:46:04 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 08:46:04 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 08:46:04 WARNING : step complete does not exist 08:46:04 INFO : moving (1) to step welcome 08:46:31 INFO : moving (1) to step betanag 08:46:36 INFO : moving (1) to step keyboard 08:46:41 INFO : moving (1) to step partitionobjinit 08:46:41 INFO : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp 08:46:41 DEBUG : starting mpaths 08:46:41 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:46:41 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:46:41 DEBUG : starting all mpaths on drives ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : scanning for multipath on drives ['sda'] 08:46:41 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:247: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:46:41 DEBUG : loading bdevid modules from: '/tmp/updates/bdevid/:/mnt/source/RHupdates/bdevid/:/lib/bdevid/:/usr/lib/bdevid/' 08:46:41 DEBUG : mpaths: [] 08:46:41 DEBUG : done starting mpaths. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : starting dmraids 08:46:41 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:46:41 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:46:41 DEBUG : starting all dmraids on drives ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : scanning for dmraid on drives ['sda'] 08:46:41 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:129: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:46:41 DEBUG : done starting dmraids. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:46:41 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:46:42 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/isys.py:862: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") 08:46:42 INFO : lv VolGroup00/LogVol00, attr is -wi-ao 08:46:42 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:46:42 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:46:42 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:46:42 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/raid.py:68: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, "/tmp/" + d) 08:46:44 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:46:44 INFO : vg VolGroup00, size is 95264, pesize is 32768 08:46:44 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:46:44 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:46:44 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:46:44 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 08:46:44 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 08:46:44 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 08:46:44 ERROR : running vgchange failed: 5 08:46:44 INFO : sr0 is a protected partition 08:46:44 INFO : no request, probably a removable drive 08:46:44 INFO : moving (1) to step parttype 08:46:44 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1250: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x1e8d000(0x980239c) gtk.main() 08:46:59 INFO : moving (1) to step partition 08:46:59 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1162: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x1e8d000(0x9b82eb4) self.currentWindow = None 08:47:22 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:47:22 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:32 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:32 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:41 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:41 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:47 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:47 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:50 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:47:51 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:48:11 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:48:51 INFO : moving (1) to step partitiondone 08:48:51 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 08:48:51 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloader 08:49:03 INFO : moving (1) to step networkdevicecheck 08:49:03 INFO : moving (1) to step network 08:49:03 CRITICAL: anaconda None exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 385, in setupDevices devdesc = "%s - %s" % (self.devices[device].info["HWADDR"],self.devices[device].info["DESC"]) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 438, in getScreen self.devlist = self.setupDevices() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1141, in setScreen new_screen = self.currentWindow.getScreen(anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1052, in nextClicked self.setScreen () KeyError: 'DESC' 08:49:28 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 08:49:28 INFO : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--method=livecd:///dev/live-osimg', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8'] 08:49:28 INFO : Display mode = g 08:49:28 INFO : Method = livecd:///dev/live-osimg 08:49:29 WARNING : no floppy devices found but we'll try fd0 anyway 08:49:32 INFO : Starting graphical installation... 08:49:32 INFO : Detected 1504M of memory 08:49:32 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 08:49:32 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 08:49:32 WARNING : step complete does not exist 08:49:32 INFO : moving (1) to step welcome 08:49:36 INFO : moving (1) to step betanag 08:49:38 INFO : moving (1) to step keyboard 08:49:39 INFO : moving (1) to step partitionobjinit 08:49:39 INFO : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp 08:49:39 DEBUG : starting mpaths 08:49:39 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:49:39 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:49:39 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:49:39 DEBUG : starting all mpaths on drives ['sda'] 08:49:39 DEBUG : scanning for multipath on drives ['sda'] 08:49:39 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:247: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:49:39 DEBUG : loading bdevid modules from: '/tmp/updates/bdevid/:/mnt/source/RHupdates/bdevid/:/lib/bdevid/:/usr/lib/bdevid/' 08:49:39 DEBUG : mpaths: [] 08:49:39 DEBUG : done starting mpaths. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:49:39 DEBUG : starting dmraids 08:49:39 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:49:39 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:49:39 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:49:39 DEBUG : starting all dmraids on drives ['sda'] 08:49:39 DEBUG : scanning for dmraid on drives ['sda'] 08:49:39 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:129: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:49:40 DEBUG : done starting dmraids. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:49:40 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:49:41 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/isys.py:862: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") 08:49:41 INFO : lv VolGroup00/LogVol00, attr is -wi-ao 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:49:41 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/raid.py:68: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, "/tmp/" + d) 08:49:41 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:49:41 INFO : vg VolGroup00, size is 95264, pesize is 32768 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:49:41 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:49:41 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 08:49:41 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 08:49:41 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 08:49:42 ERROR : running vgchange failed: 5 08:49:42 INFO : sr0 is a protected partition 08:49:42 INFO : no request, probably a removable drive 08:49:42 INFO : moving (1) to step parttype 08:49:42 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1250: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x2833000(0x9a4e2d4) gtk.main() 08:49:46 INFO : moving (1) to step partition 08:49:46 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1162: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x2833000(0x9a4ed74) self.currentWindow = None 08:49:49 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:49:49 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:49:57 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:49:57 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:01 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:01 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:06 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:06 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:17 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:50:18 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:50:35 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:50:44 INFO : moving (1) to step partitiondone 08:50:44 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 08:50:44 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloader 08:50:46 INFO : moving (1) to step networkdevicecheck 08:50:46 INFO : moving (1) to step network 08:50:46 CRITICAL: anaconda None exception report Traceback (most recent call first): File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 385, in setupDevices devdesc = "%s - %s" % (self.devices[device].info["HWADDR"],self.devices[device].info["DESC"]) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/iw/network_gui.py", line 438, in getScreen self.devlist = self.setupDevices() File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1141, in setScreen new_screen = self.currentWindow.getScreen(anaconda) File "/usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py", line 1052, in nextClicked self.setScreen () KeyError: 'DESC' 08:51:27 INFO : using only installclass _Fedora 08:51:27 INFO : anaconda called with cmdline = ['/usr/sbin/anaconda', '--method=livecd:///dev/live-osimg', '--lang', 'en_US.UTF-8'] 08:51:27 INFO : Display mode = g 08:51:27 INFO : Method = livecd:///dev/live-osimg 08:51:28 WARNING : no floppy devices found but we'll try fd0 anyway 08:51:31 INFO : Starting graphical installation... 08:51:32 INFO : Detected 1504M of memory 08:51:32 INFO : Swap attempt of 1000M to 2000M 08:51:32 WARNING : step installtype does not exist 08:51:32 WARNING : step complete does not exist 08:51:32 INFO : moving (1) to step welcome 08:51:34 INFO : moving (1) to step betanag 08:51:35 INFO : moving (1) to step keyboard 08:51:37 INFO : moving (1) to step partitionobjinit 08:51:37 INFO : no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp 08:51:37 DEBUG : starting mpaths 08:51:37 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:51:37 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:51:37 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:51:37 DEBUG : starting all mpaths on drives ['sda'] 08:51:37 DEBUG : scanning for multipath on drives ['sda'] 08:51:37 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:247: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:51:37 DEBUG : loading bdevid modules from: '/tmp/updates/bdevid/:/mnt/source/RHupdates/bdevid/:/lib/bdevid/:/usr/lib/bdevid/' 08:51:37 DEBUG : mpaths: [] 08:51:37 DEBUG : done starting mpaths. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:51:37 DEBUG : starting dmraids 08:51:37 DEBUG : self.driveList(): ['sda'] 08:51:37 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:51:37 DEBUG : DiskSet.skippedDisks: [] 08:51:37 DEBUG : starting all dmraids on drives ['sda'] 08:51:37 DEBUG : scanning for dmraid on drives ['sda'] 08:51:37 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/dmraid.py:129: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, dp) 08:51:38 DEBUG : done starting dmraids. Drivelist: ['sda'] 08:51:38 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:51:39 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/isys.py:862: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp makeDevInode(device, "/tmp/disk") 08:51:39 INFO : lv VolGroup00/LogVol00, attr is -wi-ao 08:51:39 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:51:39 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:51:39 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:51:39 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/raid.py:68: UserWarning: device node created in /tmp isys.makeDevInode(d, "/tmp/" + d) 08:51:43 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:51:43 INFO : vg VolGroup00, size is 95264, pesize is 32768 08:51:43 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol00, size of 13984 08:51:43 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol01, size of 992 08:51:43 INFO : lv is VolGroup00/LogVol02, size of 80256 08:51:43 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 08:51:43 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol01 08:51:43 INFO : mdadm -E /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol02 08:51:43 ERROR : running vgchange failed: 5 08:51:43 INFO : sr0 is a protected partition 08:51:43 INFO : no request, probably a removable drive 08:51:43 INFO : moving (1) to step parttype 08:51:43 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1250: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x4cad000(0x97142d4) gtk.main() 08:51:47 INFO : moving (1) to step partition 08:51:47 WARNING : /usr/lib/anaconda/gui.py:1162: Warning: IA__g_object_remove_toggle_ref: couldn't find toggle ref 0x4cad000(0x9714d74) self.currentWindow = None 08:51:51 INFO : pv is /dev/sda2 in vg VolGroup00, size is 95291 08:51:51 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:51:56 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:51:56 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:00 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:00 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:03 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:03 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:07 INFO : computeVGSize: vgsize is 95232 08:52:07 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:52:36 DEBUG : adding drive sda to disk list 08:52:49 INFO : moving (1) to step partitiondone 08:52:49 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloadersetup 08:52:49 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloader 08:52:53 INFO : moving (1) to step bootloaderadvanced 08:52:58 INFO : moving (1) to step networkdevicecheck 08:52:58 INFO : moving (1) to step network /tmp/lvmout:
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