Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
On Sat, 25 Aug 2007, Michal Jaegermann wrote:
On Sat, Aug 25, 2007 at 04:40:15PM -0500, Gilbert Sebenste wrote:
Unless 2.6.23 is coming out soon.
Check what you can find at
Thanks Mike! OK, question: how come that isn't in updates-testing? Or
did I miss the announcement?
The 2.6.23 kernels have the dist tag as "fc8" which indicates they are
meant for the development branch of Fedora and scheduled for the next
release rather than for the current releases and hence you wouldn't see
them in updates-testing.
Koji is the web interface for the Fedora build system and packages would
be available there earlier before it hits any of the repository FYI.
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