Rodd Clarkson wrote:
You're going to find the use of the term 'nvidia' or 'kmod-nvidia' is a
real conversation killer on this list.
nice to hear, that i'm still in the *position* to lower my situation on
this list, so it's not so bad as i thought...
That aside, I'm finding that with updates-testing I'm either getting a
conflict, or it uninstalls kmod-nvidia and xorg-x11-drv-nvidia. The
later is better for me since I just rebuild the kmod-nvidia driver and
then reinstall both packages.
that was the way i did a couple of month ago.
now the situation has dramatically changed:
dave jones was "cloned", so the frequency of releasing kernels has raised.
do you really mean i'm able to come up with them ?
it has [a second] disadvantage too, bugs against that kernel ~carry the
*tained* flags/message as well.
bug reports and tained kernels..., iiiiiiiiii see
['should eat my anti-forgetfulness piles again].
Hope this helps
nevertheless, thanks for the answer
i think i give nouveau a shot.
i lost it out my eyes
if it works: a "one fit them all" solution.
- no tained flags
- no compiler runs
- no suspend/hibernate trouble with nvidia driver
- a *combined* test of kernels and nouveau drivers
- ...
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