Hi All,Firstly, if you feel this is not the appropriate list, can you please suggest another ;)
As mentioned in a few places, and with thanks to responses received from a few people who provided an "iso-info" run for iso files I didn't have yet, I have got to an operational state of a program I'm calling: archive-teleconstructor.py
The idea is to save a heap of download time and capacity when you know that a heap of files included in a download archive {iso at this stage} are already present on your disk or mountable media. The second requirement is that the download is presented in a format that allows for partial downloading and detection of correct data before actual download. This means rsync and bittorrent {tested with azureus}.
It is written in python and included as an attachment, along with some iso-info files made by Bruno for fedora 7 dvd and rescue discs.
For example, the F-7-i386-rescuecd.iso can be constructed from the content of F-7-i386-DVD.iso, and an rsync that took less than a minute {my connection speed might be reasonable, but none of the mirrors I have tested with are very fast at the moment}. The stats for that process showed:
error: verify_files: could not find local files for: 3 files verify_files: found local files for: 22 filesI used rsync to finish the download. Comparing the constructed iso before and after the rsync completed the download:
overall statistics: identical:different 101,499,602: 9,518 {99.9905%}What this says is that after construct only 9518 bytes where different from the final file {which was tested again with sha1sum}.
In fact, it would be easy to include such a program on the DVD.iso, that builds the rescue cd on demand {with very little extra data required - unlike jigdo that seems to need large {250MB} template files for DVD sized downloads}.
To get the F-7-i386-DVD.iso in the first place, I provided as local files the mounted f7t3 and f7t4 isos, and my most recent development download folder. Because it is quite difficult at the moment to get a responsive rsync server, I completed the download with azureus. The completion jumped from 1% to about 49% after running the program.
For instructions see the --help and the example near the bottom of the code.I would love to hear your criticisms or kudos for anything about the code or it's operation as it stands, especially since it's my first python program, many thanks, DaveT.
#! /usr/bin/python # This program is released under the GPLv2, please see: # http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html # The original author is David Timms <au.net.iinet@dtimms> ;) # archive-teleconstructor.py # version 2007-06-01 v0.04 from __future__ import division import sys, getopt, string, signal, os def signal_handler(signalRx, frame): if signalRx==signal.SIGINT: print " user interrupt with ctrl-c. exiting..." sys.exit(0) elif signalRx==signal.SIGALRM: # as 1 second timer global showStats # otherwise assigning to a global variable name is # actually creating a new local variable showStats = True signal.alarm(1) #seconds def help_message(): print ''' archive-teleconstructor.py Copyright (c) 2007 David Timms -h --help display this help message -v --version display the version information Parameters to be used on a machine with the original iso image: --iso-source= iso image file to decompose --dump-iso-info create an iso-info structure dump Parameters to be used to locally reconstruct the iso image: -d --file-iso-dest= iso image file to construct -c --createiso {future} build an empty iso image at file-iso-dest --file-iso-info structure dump of the iso-source using dump-iso-info -s --directory-source= locations of files known to be on the iso image can be specified multiple times --file-sha1sum {future} sha1sum results to check files against --verify-files check for files in iso-info structure in the list of directory-sources provided --insert-files insert files from directory-sources into the iso image file-iso-dest, as determined from dump-iso-info Parameters for testing purposes: --correlate compare the iso-source with file-iso-dest, providing stats during the process --debug print progress messages to help with debugging ''' sys.exit(0) def debug_message(message): if debug: print message def create_iso(): print '\n create_iso:' if os.path.isfile(fileIsoDest): print ' destfile [' + fileIsoDest + '] already exists. exiting...' sys.exit(0) else: print "creating iso..." block2k='' for char in range(1,2048): block2k = block2k + '\x00' try: try: fileDest = open(fileIsoDest, 'wb') # l8r need to infer fileBlocks from maybe .torrent or ftp listing # note that insert-files will extend an existing or grow a new file fileBlocks = 293000 debug_message('\n Takes about 66second for 3GB, del in 8 secs.') for blockNo in range(1,fileBlocks): fileDest.write(block2k) #later dude print "." size = fileDest.tell() debug_message(" ;) empty iso: size=" + str(size)) finally: ## fileDest.close(); pass except IOError: print ' something went wrong[' + fileIsoDest + ']' ## fileDest.close; sys.exit(0) def dump_iso(): print ' dump_iso:' if len(fileIsoSource): isoInfoCommand="/usr/bin/iso-info -q -l -i " + fileIsoSource + ">" + fileIsoSource + ".iso-info.txt" debug_message(" isoInfoCommand=" + isoInfoCommand) stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(isoInfoCommand) infoResult = stdout.read() infoErrors = stderr.read() stdin.close(); stdout.close(); stderr.close() debug_message(infoResult) debug_message(infoErrors) print " dump_iso: file generated at: " + fileIsoSource + ".iso-info.txt" else: print ' error:dump_iso: you must also specify --iso-source=`/path/to/your_iso.iso`' sys.exit(0) def extract_file_info(): print ' extract_file_info:' try: try: fileIsoInfoContent = open(fileisoinfo, 'r') isoInfo = fileIsoInfoContent.readlines() splitline = [] for line in isoInfo: splitline = line.split # print splitline() if len(splitline())==1: (foldersplit) = splitline() folderstr=foldersplit[0] if folderstr[0]=='/' and folderstr[len(folderstr)-1]==':': folder = folderstr[0:len(folderstr)-1] print folder elif len(splitline())==12: # was 13 # lsn = logical sector number (permissionssplit, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy, lsnsplit, \ size, d, d, d, d, filename) = splitline() permissionsstr = permissionssplit[0] if permissionsstr[0]=='-': # entry is a file # print permissionssplit, ' ', lsnsplit, ' ', size, ' ', filename if lsnsplit[len(lsnsplit)-1]==']': # remove right ] lsn = lsnsplit[0:len(lsnsplit)-1] debug_message(folder + ' * ' + filename + ' * ' + size + ' * ' + lsn) fileInfo.append((folder, filename, size, lsn)) # dont forget to shasum later! else: pass finally: fileIsoInfoContent.close(); debug_message(" extract_file_info:finally") except IOError: print ' error: extract_file_info: trouble with file [' + fileIsoInfo + ']' sys.exit(0) def file_find_matching(item): # print ' file_find_matching' foundlocation = '' # item is (path, filename, size, lsn) debug_message(item[0]+item[1]+' '+item[2]) debug_message('++++++++++++++dirSources=') debug_message(dirSources) print ' searching for file [' + item[1] + ']' for location in dirSources: # print 'item=' + item[0]+ item[1] debug_message('---------location=') debug_message(location) testfilepaths=[] testfilepaths.append(location + item[1]) testfilepaths.append(location + item[0] + item[1]) debug_message(testfilepaths) for testfilepath in testfilepaths: debug_message(testfilepath) if os.path.isfile(testfilepath): if os.path.getsize(testfilepath)==long(item[2]): #compare longs foundlocation = testfilepath return foundlocation else: print ' * file had different size: ' + testfilepath + ' size=' + str(os.path.getsize(testfilepath)) + 'refsize=' + item[2] pass else: debug_message(' & filepath not found: ' + testfilepath) pass debug_message("------" +foundlocation) return foundlocation def insert_file(entry, filepath): print ' insert_file:' if os.path.isfile(fileIsoDest): fileInsertCommand="/bin/dd if=" + filepath + " of=" + fileIsoDest + " conv=notrunc ibs=" + entry[2] + " obs=2048 seek=" + entry[3] debug_message(" fileInsertCommand:" + fileInsertCommand) stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(fileInsertCommand) infoResult = stdout.read() infoErrors = stderr.read() stdin.close(); stdout.close(); stderr.close() debug_message(infoResult) debug_message(infoErrors) else: print " err:insert_file: --file-iso-dest must already exist" sys.exit(0) def verify_files(): print '' print ' verify_files:' debug_message(' file-iso-info=' + fileisoinfo) debug_message(' sha1sums=') debug_message(sha1sums) debug_message(' directory-sources=*******************') debug_message(dirSources) if fileisoinfo <> '': extract_file_info() debug_message(fileInfo) missingfilescount=0 foundfilescount=0 missingfiles=[] for entry in fileInfo: # do sha1sum later, but for now just check size ;-) fileExists=False debug_message(entry) filepath=file_find_matching(entry) if filepath != '': print " found: " + filepath foundfilescount +=1 if insertfiles: insert_file(entry, filepath) else: print " missing. " missingfiles.append(entry) missingfilescount += 1 if missingfilescount >= 1: print " error: verify_files: could not find local files for: " + str(missingfilescount) + ' files' allstr = "" else: allstr = " all" print " verify_files: found local files for" + allstr + ": " + str(foundfilescount) + ' files' else: print " verify_files: you must specify the iso-info dump file with --file-iso-info=" def correlate_isos(): #find out if it worked ! print ' correlate_isos... please wait' global showStats if os.path.isfile(fileIsoSource): if os.path.isfile(fileIsoDest): sumByteIdentical=0 sumByteDifferent=0 sumCorrelation=0 try: try: signal.alarm(1) #seconds blockSize=2048 fileSource = open(fileIsoSource, 'rb') fileDest = open(fileIsoDest, 'rb') # // is integer result blocks = os.path.getsize(min(fileIsoSource,fileIsoDest)) // blockSize debug_message(' blockSize: '+ str(blockSize)) showStats = True for block in range(1, blocks): sourceBlock = fileSource.read(blockSize) destBlock = fileDest.read(blockSize) smallerBlock = min(len(sourceBlock), len(destBlock)) byteIdentical=0 byteDifferent=0 for byte in range(0,smallerBlock): #who invented 0 based strings/arrays anyway ? if sourceBlock[byte] == destBlock[byte]: byteIdentical = byteIdentical + 1 else: byteDifferent = byteDifferent + 1 sumByteIdentical = sumByteIdentical + byteIdentical sumByteDifferent = sumByteDifferent + byteDifferent if showStats == True: if byteIdentical + byteDifferent >= 1: blockCorrelation = 100 * byteIdentical / (byteIdentical + byteDifferent) sumCorrelation = 100 * sumByteIdentical / (sumByteIdentical + sumByteDifferent) else: blockCorrelation = 0 sumCorrelation = 0 print ' stats: block %7d of %7d: %6.3f%% {%6d:%6d} running=%6.3f%% {%6d:%6d}'\ %(block, blocks, blockCorrelation, byteIdentical\ , byteDifferent, sumCorrelation, sumByteIdentical\ , sumByteDifferent) showStats=False signal.alarm(1) #seconds except: print " error:correlate_isos: `an earth shattering kaboom` - looney tunes" print "Unhandled error: how'd ya do dat ?", sys.exc_info()[0] raise sys.exit(0) finally: fileSource.close() fileDest.close() print ' overall statistics: identical:different %10d:%10d {%7.4f%%}'\ %(sumByteIdentical, sumByteDifferent, sumCorrelation) else: print " error:correlate_isos: you must also specify --file-iso-dest= for the comparison." sys.exit(0) else: print " error:correlate_isos: you must also specify --iso-source= for the comparison." sys.exit(0) # main... signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, signal_handler) try: options, xarguments = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hvdcsi' , ['help', 'version', 'iso-source=','dump-iso-info'\ , 'file-iso-dest=', 'createiso', 'file-iso-info=', 'directory-source='\ , 'file-sha1sum=', 'verify-files', 'insert-files'\ , 'correlate', 'debug']) except getopt.error: print ''' error: you provided an unknown option, or an argument\'s option\n was missing. Run: `archive-teleconstructor.py --help` for more information.''' sys.exit(0) fileIsoDest='' fileIsoSource='' dumpiso=False createiso=False verifyfiles=False insertfiles=False fileisoinfo='' dirSources=[] sha1sums=[] fileInfo=[] correlate=False showStats=False debug=False for arg in options[:]: debug_message('[' + arg[0] +']=['+arg[1]+']') if arg[0] == '-h' or arg[0] == '--help': help_message() elif arg[0]=='-v' or arg[0]=='--version': print ' version: 2007-06-01 v0.04' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='--iso-source': if arg[1] != '': fileIsoSource=arg[1] print ' --iso-source=[' +fileIsoSource+ ']' if os.path.isfile(fileIsoSource): pass else: print ' error:--iso-source: the specified file must already exist' sys.exit(0) else: print ' error:--iso-source: you must specify a source iso9660 image' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='--dump-iso-info': if arg[1] == '': dumpiso=True else: print ' error:--dump-iso-info: does not accept parameters' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='-d' or arg[0]=='--file-iso-dest': fileIsoDest=arg[1] if fileIsoDest <> '': print ' --file-iso-dest=' + fileIsoDest else: print ' error:--file-iso-dest file location must be specified.' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='-c' or arg[0]=='--createiso': createiso=True elif arg[0]=='--file-iso-info': try: fileisoinfo=arg[1] if os.path.isfile(fileisoinfo): print ' --file-iso-info: [' + fileisoinfo + '] found.' else: print ' error:--file-iso-info: the specified file must ' \ + 'already exist.' sys.exit(0) except: print " error:--file-iso-info: except" elif arg[0]=='-s' or arg[0]=='--directory-source': try: dirSourceName=arg[1] if os.path.isdir(dirSourceName): dirSources.append(dirSourceName) print ' --directory-source: added [' + dirSourceName + ']' debug_message('=========dirSources=') debug_message(dirSources) else: print ' error:--directory-source: the specified directory must ' \ + 'already exist and preferably contain files that may be present on the iso.' sys.exit(0) except: print " error:--directory-source: except" elif arg[0]=='--file-sha1sum': try: fileSha1sum=arg[1] if os.path.isfile(fileSha1sum): sha1sums.append(fileSha1sum) print ' --file-sha1sum: added [' + fileSha1sum + ']' else: print ' error:--file-sha1sum: the specified file must ' \ + 'already exist.' sys.exit(0) except: print " error:--file-sha1sum: except" elif arg[0]=='--verify-files': if arg[1] == '': verifyfiles=True else: print ' error:--verify-files: does not accept parameters' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='--insert-files': if arg[1] == '': insertfiles=True else: print ' error:--insert-files: does not accept parameters' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='--correlate': if arg[1] == '': correlate=True else: print ' error:--correlate: does not accept parameters' sys.exit(0) elif arg[0]=='--debug': if arg[1] == '': debug=True else: print ' error:--debug: does not accept parameters' sys.exit(0) else: print ' [' + arg[0] + ']=[' + arg[1] +'] is not a legit option !' sys.exit(0) # remove each argument as it is handled - so it wont be read again {?} options.remove(arg) if dumpiso: dump_iso() elif createiso: create_iso() elif verifyfiles: verify_files() elif insertfiles: verify_files() elif correlate: correlate_isos() debug_message(' ===== it\'s the end. =====') # the following is all comments, and some things to do. # naming # construct # warp transporter teleport beem beam teleconstructor # archive-teleconstructor.py # with a iso library, you could read the iso toc stuff directly from a remote # server over http or ftp ? # this would be good cause then you can use this without getting the remote party # hosting the iso to run iso-info and make it available # fuse driver for ftp /http ? # request byte range needed on the servers necessary # tools: result #$ iso-info -q -l -i /home/old/6/FC4-i386-DVD.iso #iso-info version 0.77 i686-redhat-linux-gnu #Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005 R. Bernstein #This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. #There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A #PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #__________________________________ #ISO-9660 Information #/: # drwxr-xr-x 5 0 0 [LSN 29] 4096 Jun 07 2005 02:45:14 . # drwxr-xr-x 6 0 0 [LSN 29] 4096 Jun 07 2005 02:45:14 .. # -rwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 277] 248 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 autorun # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 278] 5616 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 eula.txt # drwxr-xr-x 4 0 0 [LSN 32] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:25:23 Fedora # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 281] 18385 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 GPL # drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 [LSN 174] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:52:37 images # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 31] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 isolinux # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 290] 5232 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 README # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 293] 12667 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 README-Accessibility # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 300] 51265 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RELEASE-NOTES # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 326] 1232 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY-rawhide # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 327] 1076 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-test # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 328] 1105 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora-rawhide # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 329] 1519 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 330] 1706 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY-beta # -rw-r--r-- 10 0 0 [LSN 331] 1910 Jun 07 2005 02:25:47 RPM-GPG-KEY # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 332] 3591 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 TRANS.TBL # -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 334] 86 Jun 07 2005 02:45:12 .discinfo # #/Fedora/: # drwxr-xr-x 4 0 0 [LSN 32] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:25:23 . # drwxr-xr-x 5 0 0 [LSN 29] 4096 Jun 07 2005 02:45:14 .. # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 173] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:54:01 base # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 33] 286720 Jun 07 2005 02:54:01 RPMS # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 3420] 432 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 TRANS.TBL # #/Fedora/base/: # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 173] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:54:01 . # drwxr-xr-x 4 0 0 [LSN 32] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:25:23 .. # -rw-r--r-- 4 0 0 [LSN 114659] 10481002 Jun 07 2005 02:54:01 comps.rpm # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 1203484] 709886 Jun 07 2005 02:25:48 comps.xml # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 1203831] 9840328 Jun 07 2005 02:52:31 hdlist # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 1208636] 25029836 Jun 07 2005 02:52:31 hdlist2 #... # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 1342905] 1105 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 TRANS.TBL # #/images/pxeboot/: # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 175] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:39:47 . # drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 [LSN 174] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:52:37 .. # -rw-r--r-- 4 0 0 [LSN 337] 4492627 Jun 07 2005 02:39:35 initrd.img # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 1342906] 275 Jun 07 2005 02:39:47 README # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 1342907] 659 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 TRANS.TBL # -rw-r--r-- 4 0 0 [LSN 2588] 1702587 Jun 07 2005 02:39:36 vmlinuz # #/isolinux/: # drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 31] 2048 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 . # drwxr-xr-x 5 0 0 [LSN 29] 4096 Jun 07 2005 02:45:14 .. # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 270] 2048 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 boot.cat # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 335] 292 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 boot.msg # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 336] 1034 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 general.msg # -rw-r--r-- 4 0 0 [LSN 337] 4492627 Jun 07 2005 02:39:35 initrd.img # -r--r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 271] 10424 Jun 07 2005 02:54:01 isolinux.bin # -r-xr-xr-x 2 0 0 [LSN 2531] 595 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 isolinux.cfg # -r--r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2532] 94600 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 memtest # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2579] 788 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 options.msg # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2580] 872 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 param.msg # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2581] 490 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 rescue.msg # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2582] 549 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 snake.msg # -rw-r--r-- 2 0 0 [LSN 2583] 5692 Jun 07 2005 02:39:44 splash.lss # -r--r--r-- 1 0 0 [LSN 2586] 2880 Jun 07 2005 03:01:49 TRANS.TBL # -rw-r--r-- 4 0 0 [LSN 2588] 1702587 Jun 07 2005 02:39:36 vmlinuz # #dd if=FC4-i386-DVD.iso of=eula.txt.extracted bs=1 count=5616 skip=569344 # skip is the 2048*LSN from above listing # weird bug: in iso-info # dump_iso: # isoInfoCommand=/usr/bin/iso-info -q -l -i /home/davidt/#borland.delphi.7.enterprise.iso>/home/davidt/#borland.delphi.7.enterprise.iso.iso-info.txt #*** stack smashing detected ***: /usr/bin/iso-info terminated # #/bin/sh: line 1: 4419 Aborted /usr/bin/iso-info -q -l -i /#home/davidt/borland.delphi.7.enterprise.iso >/home/davidt/#borland.delphi.7.enterprise.iso.iso-info.txt # note: use azureus to create the iso {disable internal code} # operation: # If you have the source iso that you want to distribute: # 1. $ ./archive-teleconstructor.py --iso-source=my-source-iso.iso # --dump-iso-info # 2. make the iso and the my-source-iso.iso.iso-info.txt file available. # 3. make the above available as a torrent # If you want to accelerate your iso download: # 1. in your web browser, download the providers torrent file. # 2. open the .torrent in azureus # 3. if necessary tell azureus not to download files you aren't interested in # 4. check the disk to determine when azureus has finished building the # empty donwload iso file # 5. in azureus stop the download. # 6. quit azureus # 7. $ ./archive-teleconstructor.py --file-iso-dest=my-source-iso.iso # --file-iso-info=my-source-iso.iso.iso-info.txt # --directory-source=/home/install/fedora/development/i386/os # --directory-source=/home/install/fedora/7t4/i386/disc # --verify-files # This will give you some spew regarding files found of correct name # and size, along with a summary. # 8. repeat command 7. but append --insert-files # This takes around 10 minutes for F7t4 to F7 release DVD. # 9. let the standard tools continue the download: # a. rsync is preferable if available # rsync --progress --stats --inplace -a # rsync.server.com::fedora/etc/my-source-iso.iso # /home/mystuff/ # the progress gives a hint as to what is happening: it takes a while ;) # the status can be read at the end, provides the speedup efficiency # b. azureus: restart it # right-click on the stopped download, select force recheck !! # wait # once the recheck is finished notice how the complete % has jumped # from the value it was {hopefully} # restart the download: it's going to still take a while. # bugs: / future # - tidy up whether inputs and extracted paths include / # - speed could be faster for correlation - experiment with block size|try diff -ub ? # - need to use the SHA1SUM to confirm success. # - the discrepancy in block size between an iso image {2048 B}, and bittorrent {eg 256kB}, # means that eg azureus will throw away blocks that have lots of correct inserted data # because it only works on the whole 256k block. # Whenever a contained file is less than 2x 256k, there is a high chance that azureus # will re-fetch the whole block, wasting the work done by this program # # # ./ the correlation function does not work correctly. the percent and numbers seems random. # ./ compare if file sizes are different, dont read past the end of the array ! # ./ document the parameters # ./ add debug function and parameter # ./ change commented prints into debug_messages
Description: application/bzip
Description: application/bzip
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