I am trying to do a fresh devel install via HTTP (using boot.iso) and I
have been getting repeated errors saying that files are missing from the
mirror. I am using the fedora.redhat.com mirror and while this is
annoying it wasn't a show stopper until it was trying to download
redhat-artwork-7.0.0-4.fc7.i386.rpm which I could *not* find on the
mirror, I found redhat-artwork-7.0.0-7.fc7.i386.rpm instead. Is this a
common problem? should I be using a different mirror? This is the first
time I have attempted this so...tia..
-- Jason
pub 1024D/DC0E0D37 2007-02-13 [expires: 2008-02-13]
Key fingerprint = 94E8 D6CE 2EED 19AD 3F7E 021E B022 2C5E DC0E 0D37
uid Jason Taylor <jmtaylor90@xxxxxxxxx>
sub 2048g/058F173C 2007-02-13 [expires: 2008-02-13]
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