Matthias Clasen wrote:
On Sat, 2007-04-28 at 06:35 +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
* Beagle is installed by default and replaces gnome-search-tool on the
UI like the previous release. Might be better to keep these entries
No. Offering several different search tools in the menu is a bad idea.
Medium-term, we're hoping to see a unified frontend for the various
I understand the long term view but there are two short term rather
prominent issues
1) Beagle sucks up CPU
2) With the default settings searching there gets no results.
I still think Beagle should either not by installed by default because
of relative immaturity or atleast by separate from the gnome-search-tool
in the UI so that I can keep using it without having to uninstall beagle
to get the UI option back.
Tomboy is pretty useful though it is not visible in the user interface.
I think we can place it in the panel by default along with Abiword in
the GNOME based live images atleast.
The prime spin still has Firefox, Evolution and three
applications which makes sense for RHEL but not for Fedora. I would
prefer something more home user oriented for Fedora.
Forgot to mention that ntfs-3g is installed by default which is pretty
good. I am not sure that's the case for the prime spin but since it uses
the same comps.xml I hope that's the case. Someone please confirm this.
* New application, system-config-selinux is available under
administration. Looks pretty comprehensive. SELinux boolean
configuration has been removed from system-config-securitylevel and is
now available in this tool. Title says ""
instead of just "system-config-selinux" which is a minor wart in the UI.
The bigger wart is that the menu entry for system-config-securitylevel
still says "Firewall and SELinux" even though SELinux was removed...
You can still toggle between enable/disable/permissive modes so I am not
sure that's a wart. If we remove it completely which might be better
since the menu entry needs to be fixed.
You have already reported this in
system-config-selinux is not available as a bugzilla component so I am
adding some comments to the above bug report.
Running a console helper enabled application that requires root access
to do something makes the root password prompt a modal dialog box. This
is not a change in behavior but it seems useful to make it a dialog box
that can be attended to later.
* nautilus-open-terminal extension was not installed by default unlike
previous live cd releases.
This live cd is just following the comps defaults here. The FC6 live cd
was following David Z.s personal preferences...
RHEL 5 has this extension installed by default if that matters. Mugshot
stats show the gnome terminal as one of the top three popular
applications being used and this extension is pretty small so it might
be useful to make it available by default.
* SCIM input icon doesnt show up on the system tray unlike the previous
test release. Default is showing on demand but setting it to show always
does not make it show up on the system tray.
You should get it by default if you are logging in in a CJK locale. For
other locales, use the "input method" capplet to turn it on.
I am in the default English locale and I had to select custom input
method and choose scim (which was the only option) instead of the system
wide configuration (scim) setting which was enabled by default. If both
of these were using the scim methods why would choosing one of them make
a difference here? If scim is the only "custom" input method available
should that option even be enabled? Relogging and left click on the
hardly visible light grey icon does nothing. I couldn't figure out how
to enable Tamil as a alternative input method while logging into the
English locale. The SCIM setup UI does not seem to be following GNOME
HIG. All of this user interface details seems to be a mess that could
use a cleanup.
Some of this was discussed in
* nautilus has crashed more than once during login including the
previous test releases with some vague bonobo error which I did not note
down. Anyone else seeing this?
File a bug ?
* Turning on desktop effects immediately makes it crash Xorg
This was reported long back in Fedora Core 6. I have added some
comments. Someone confirm whether this is VMWare specific. I am running
the image using it.
* shutdown entry showed up twice as first and last entries in the system
menu just once.
I have seen this once before, but then it repaired itself. Please file
panel bug for this, too. I was able
to reproduce this now and a screenshot has been attached.
Thanks Matthias.
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