I adjusted the pungi.conf file to reflect my desired i386 build and ran
punji with some success. I did not have images created for burning iso
I'll look around more for information but the last output to screen was
Are the filenames too long?
First package on disc1: kernel-xen-2.6.19-1.2898.2.3.fc7.i686.rpm
Last package on disc1 : kernel-headers-2.6.20-1.2922.fc7.i386.rpm
i386-disc1 size: 162M
Error: groupfile /home/pungi/development/i386/os/repodata/comps.xml
cannot be found.
createrepo [options] directory-of-packages
-u, --baseurl <url> = optional base url location for all files
-o, --outputdir <dir> = optional directory to output to
-x, --exclude = files globs to exclude, can be specified multiple
-q, --quiet = run quietly
-n, --noepoch = don't add zero epochs for non-existent epochs
(incompatible with yum and smart but required for
systems with rpm < 4.2.1)
-g, --groupfile <filename> to point to for group information
(<filename> relative to directory-of-packages)
-v, --verbose = run verbosely
-c, --cachedir <dir> = specify which dir to use for the checksum cache
-C, --checkts = don't generate repo metadata, if their ctimes are
than the rpm ctimes.
-h, --help = show this help
-V, --version = output version
-p, --pretty = output xml files in pretty format.
mkisofs: Volume ID string too long
sha1sum: FC-development-i386-disc1.iso: No such file or directory
ERROR: Error - Unable to open file
Could not find default stanza, did not modify isolinux.cfg
mkisofs: Volume ID string too long
sha1sum: FC-development-i386-rescuecd.iso: No such file or directory
"If he learns from his mistakes, pretty soon he'll know everything."
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