Jim Cornette wrote:
The file is visible if you dive into the rpms for and rpm using mc to
view the content of the file. Clicking on either the *INSTALL or the
*UPGRADE file will either install an rpm or a deb package via mc.
Below is the output generated if one clicks on the *UPGRADE
file via mc. If you are familiar with viewing rpm internals with mc, you
will see these files when exploring the rpms. The files are not
installed. The files initialize either an upgrade or install when you
click on them.
/usr/share/mc/extfs/rpm run
/var/rpms/GFS-kernel- UPGRADE
Upgrading ""'/var/rpms/GFS-kernel-'""
error: Failed dependencies:
/lib/modules/2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 is needed by
kernel = 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5 is needed by
Ah, those are virtual views provided by mc and not real files. If you
want to see how it really works, you can cvs.fedora.redhat.com to read
the actually specs or extract the package specs using rpm2cpio or file
roller and read them.
More information at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Tools/RPM. Hope that
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