1999 iMac PPC 320MB Ram 9GB HD ATI Rage 128 8MB VRAM.
Everything installed fine, all 6 CDs.
Afterward, during a yum upgrade, I got this error:
Installing: kernel ####################### [15/42]
grubby: error moving /etc/yaboot.conf- to /etc/yaboot.conf: Permission denied
Failed to initialize HFS working directories: Permission denied
ybin: /dev/hda2 appears to have never had a bootstrap installed,
please run mkofboot
The only thing I did not test during install is that I did not allow
the installer to re-create the /dev/hda1 Apple Label -- Ive had so
much trouble with past FC PPC installers not creating the Apple Disk
label that I pretty much just use the Dsk label from Ubuntu.
Im not yet sure but I believe I can fix that by mounting the /dev/hda2
Apple Boot and manually editing the yaboot.conf -- still not real sure
why its not linked to the one in /etc/yaboot.conf
Otherwise everything appears to be working.
WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/
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