On 6/24/06, Jay Cliburn <jacliburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On my FC5 system, I hold off on kernel updates until Livna has an Nvidia
video driver rpm available, but I'd guess there's no kernel-matched
Nvidia driver at Livna for kernels in test, right? Given the admonition
from someone at Redhat a couple of months ago not to use the Nvidia
driver install script, how to Fedora testers keep Nvidia video drivers
up to date?
X will continue to work even if you are missing an updated nvidia
driver -- X will revert to a free driver if the proprietary one isn't
found on boot.
This doesn't hold true for various other non-free drivers, such as
madwifi, so indeed -- in such cases turning off test updates for
kernels makes sense.
Konstantin Ryabitsev
Montréal, Québec
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