Jeff Spaleta wrote:
On 3/21/06, Dwaine Garden <DwaineGarden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Updating with yum, and now it's pointing me back to the official fedora
Core 5 repository.
How do I get back to updates from rawhide. Tried to upgrade back to
fedora-release package from development
Then tried uninstall of yum with re-install. Nothing. Still stuck
pointing to official core 5 release.
Anyone else have this problem?
disable the core, updates and extras repo. Enable the development and
extras-development repo.
Assuming you have the fc5 fedora-release package installed
edit each of the files below accordingly:
fedora-core.repo ---> enabled=0
fedora-updates.repo ---> enabled=0
fedora-extras-.repo ---> enabled=0
fedora-extras-development.repo ---> enabled=1
fedora-development.repo --> enabled=1
back in business. Thanks worked. Was not expecting to edit the repo
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