Re: Possible bug with atd?

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On Thursday 02 March 2006 12:53, Steven Haigh <netwiz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>  Hi all,
>  I'm not 100% sure if this is a bug, or something I'm doing wrong...
>  I'm trying to schedule some dvb recording via a web page using atd. I  
>  can get the jobs to appear in 'at -l', however when it comes time for  
>  the job to execute, it just disappears. *poof* gone. No logs, no  
>  command executed, no nothing.
>  I'm trying to launch a bash file that does a heap of funky things -  
>  but not having much luck. If i type in the command manually, it all  
>  works like a treat.
>  I am setting the job in PHP by using:
>  $cmd = "at $starttime $whatday << COMMAND\n/home/netwiz/bin/capture  
>  '$channel' $duration\nCOMMAND";
>  and if I check what the job is, I get such:
>  # at -c 11
>  #!/bin/sh
>  # atrun uid=48 gid=48
>  # mail     root 0
>  umask 22
>; export HOSTNAME
>  SHELL=/bin/bash; export SHELL
>  HISTSIZE=1000; export HISTSIZE
>  USER=root; export USER
>  LS_COLORS=no=00:fi=00:di=01\;34:ln=01\;36:pi=40\;33:so=01\;35:bd=40\; 
>  33\;01:cd=40\;33\;01:or=01\;05\;37\;41:mi=01\;05\;37\;41:ex=01\;32: 
>  \*.cmd=01\;32:\*.exe=01\;32:\*.com=01\;32:\*.btm=01\;32:\*.bat=01\;32: 
>  \*.sh=01\;32:\*.csh=01\;32:\*.tar=01\;31:\*.tgz=01\;31:\*.arj=01\;31: 
>  \*.taz=01\;31:\*.lzh=01\;31:\*.zip=01\;31:\*.z=01\;31:\*.Z=01\;31: 
>  \*.gz=01\;31:\*.bz2=01\;31:\*.bz=01\;31:\*.tz=01\;31:\*.rpm=01\;31: 
>  \*.cpio=01\;31:\*.jpg=01\;35:\*.gif=01\;35:\*.bmp=01\;35:\*.xbm=01\; 
>  35:\*.xpm=01\;35:\*.png=01\;35:\*.tif=01\;35:; export LS_COLORS
>  PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin; export PATH
>  MAIL=/var/spool/mail/root; export MAIL
>  PWD=/var/www/html/tv; export PWD
>  INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc; export INPUTRC
>  LANG=C; export LANG
>  HOME=/root; export HOME
>  SHLVL=4; export SHLVL
>  LOGNAME=root; export LOGNAME
>  CVS_RSH=ssh; export CVS_RSH
>  LESSOPEN=\|/usr/bin/\ %s; export LESSOPEN
>  cd /var/www/html/tv || {
>            echo 'Execution directory inaccessible' >&2
>            exit 1
>  }
>  ${SHELL:-/bin/sh} << `(dd if=/dev/urandom count=200 bs=1 2>/dev/null| 
>  LC_ALL=C tr -d -c '[:alnum:]')`
>  /home/netwiz/bin/capture '7 HD Digital' 30
>  Now this seems to be correct - but as I said, the job just seems to  
>  disappear. Is there something I'm missing, or is this a bug?
>  --
>  Steven Haigh
>  Email: netwiz@xxxxxxxxx
>  Web:
>  Phone: (03) 9017 0597 - 0412 935 897
You are submitting the job as userid 48, gid 48 -
does the command normally work OK as a non root userid ?
(The device read by the "capture" command must have appropriate
 privileges if you're not running it as root - 
 which device / what privileges?)
Does the at-job work if submitted as root ?
Do you have SELinux in Enforcing mode ?
If so, does the at job work after doing 'setenforce 0' ? 
Try changing the command to:
  /home/netwiz/bin/capture '7 HD Digital' 30 || echo "FAILED: $?"
that should generate some mail with the exit status if it fails.
Jason Vas Dias
at package maintainer
Red Hat Inc.

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