04:16:09 ERROR : error running transaction: Error in Transaction:
('file /usr/include/X11 from install of xorg-x11-filesystem-7.0-1
conflicts with file from package xorg-x11-devel-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2', (7,
'/usr/include/X11', 0L))
('file /etc/vimrc from install of vim-minimal-6.4.007-1 conflicts
with file from package vim-common-6.3.086-0.fc4', (7, '/etc/vimrc', 0L))
('file /usr/lib64/python2.4/config/Makefile from install of
python-2.4.2-3.2.1 conflicts with file from package
python-devel-2.4.1-2', (7, '/usr/lib64/python2.4/config/Makefile', 0L))
('file /lib/libblkid.so.1.0 from install of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2
with file from package e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7,
'/lib/libblkid.so.1.0', 0L)) ('file /lib/libcom_err.so.2.1 from install
of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2 conflicts with file from package
e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7, '/lib/libcom_err.so.2.1',
('file /lib/libe2p.so.2.3 from install of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2
conflicts with file from package e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7,
'/lib/libe2p.so.2.3', 0L))
('file /lib/libext2fs.so.2.4 from install of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2
conflicts with file from package e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7,
'/lib/libext2fs.so.2.4', 0L))
('file /lib/libss.so.2.0 from install of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2
conflicts with file from package e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7,
'/lib/libss.so.2.0', 0L))
('file /lib/libuuid.so.1.2 from install of e2fsprogs-libs-1.38-6.2
conflicts with file from package e2fsprogs-1.38-0.FC4.1', (7,
'/lib/libuuid.so.1.2', 0L))
('file /etc/rc.d/init.d/firstboot from install of
firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1 conflicts with file from package
firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7, '/etc/rc.d/init.d/firstboot', 0L))
('file /usr/sbin/firstboot from install of firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1
conflicts with file from package firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7,
'/usr/sbin/firstboot', 0L))
('file /usr/share/firstboot/firstboot.py from install of
firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1 conflicts with file from package
firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7, '/usr/share/firstboot/firstboot.py', 0L))
('file /usr/share/firstboot/firstbootBackend.py from install of
firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1 conflicts with file from package
firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7, '/usr/share/firstboot/firstbootBackend.py', 0L))
('file /usr/share/firstboot/functions.py from install of
firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1 conflicts with file from package
firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7, '/usr/share/firstboot/functions.py', 0L))
('file /usr/share/firstboot/textWindow.py from install of
firstboot-tui-1.4.4-1 conflicts with file from package
firstboot-1.3.42-1', (7, '/usr/share/firstboot/textWindow.py', 0L))
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