Re: Problems getting my wireless card to work

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Josh L wrote:

After a lot of reading on the net, I've discovered that, although the
driver (ipw2100) is present in the kernel, I don't have the firmware for
this card. So I have downloaded the firmware rpm
Don't you have the firmware on a CD or somewhere? I'd rather use the 
firmware that cam with my wireless.
With regards,
Stelian Iancu

check iwconfig to see if your wireless card really is loaded... if you see
it, (normally eth1 for the intel pro) then try this.
In my experiences, I have had to

$ifconfig eth1 down
$iwconfig eth1 essid "HomeWireless"
$ifconfig eth1 up
$dhclient eth1

To get wireless up without configuring it (not FC5, but everything I've tried), this seems the go: # Enable interface without configuring it. Sometines, I find a preliminary modprobe beneficial.
sudo ifconfig eth1 up
# set the station, wep key. "any" finds any handy station. You should use _at least_ wep.
sudo iwconfig eth1 essid any key s:passw
# Use dhcp to get IP etc. dhclient or dhcpcd, whichever you have.
sudo -b dhcpcd eth1
if you are using static ips (I am wondering why if its just a standard home
(dhcp is a wonderful thing....)
skip the dhclient eth1 and just pass the information via ifconfig after
doing the iwconfig.
mr. pibb + red vines = crazy delicious



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