Can't Get Past X dependencies

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Maybe someone can provide a little help or direction. I have read all of the messages on this list and the development list this week but still can't get past the following (from yumex output) when trying to update to latest rawhide.

['fontconfig conflicts with fonts-xorg-base',
'Missing Dependency: /usr/X11R6/bin/mkfontdir is needed by package xorg-x11', 'Missing Dependency: xorg-x11-xfs = 6.8.2-62 is needed by package xorg-x11',
'Missing Dependency: xinitrc is needed by package xorg-x11',
'Missing Dependency: xorg-x11 is needed by package xorg-x11-tools', 'Missing Dependency: xorg-x11 = 6.8.2-62 is needed by package xorg-x11-Xnest']
I deselected fontconfig and that conflict goes away, but the others remain.



Old Fart

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