Does anyone know what happen to rlm_ldap.so in FC4 Test3?
I am a newbie at freeradius and semi-newbie with linux all together.
While trying to link freeradius and ldap I ran into a missing library file
I don't know if the library files were available in Tests 1-2 so I can't
confirm if they were ever included.
I do know that FC3 has the libraries(incompatible w/ fc4t3) I desire
because I used FC3 as a file comparison base.
The other issue I ran into was with certificate generation. Although I
tracked down all the files needed to generate self signed certificates, I
was a bit lost at first because of the new location of the files.
Will the change in the cert file location remain this way at the release FC4
or will it revert to the FC3 location.