ok this is bugging the heck out of me this is a 2 part message just to warn
you all
ever time i boot and then log into KDE dont remember if ive tried it in
gnome yet or not but in KDE for sure every time i boot with in 2 minutes i
get a little system message saying that the sounds server has crashed due to
cpu overload or something like that i am running a MSI mother board with a
AMD 64 3200 or 3400 i am thinking that over load cpu doesnt make any sence i
am also running MSI's nVidia NX6600 AGP card with 256 card ram and 1 gb
system ram with a full install of the new FC4 T3 cds any ideas what this is
becuase for the most part i still have saound after this happens
part 2
when in gnome and i run 'gnome-system-monitor' to take a look at cpu power i
get a nice low 2-5% why am i checking the cpu in gnome when i manly use KDE
well becuase when i check it in KDE with 'gnome-system-monitor' or any of
the panels or anything in KDE that shows you the cpu i get a 100% no drops
ever 100% all the time with nothing running that not cool has anyone else
had this problem i have stoped using kde for now till i know what the heck
is wrong becuase it not only runs my cpu at 100% but i think my graphics
card get over heated after 1 - 2 hours of the gl screen saver or sometime
npothing what the heck is wrong here does anyone know
i really need some help here guys i dont want to burn up my system i have
only had it for about 6 months and i dont want to get stuck on my windows
backup pc again
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