Hi all, I'm installing FC4t3 x86_64 on a Dell Precision 370 with no other OSes. My install source is an NFS-exported loopback-mounted DVD image downloaded with http://torrent.linux.duke.edu/FC4-test3-DVD-x86_64.torrent; the SHA1SUM checked out. I made two installation attempts; I observed the second one more carefully than the first one. On both attempts, the installation almost completed but left the system unbootable. The first time, as I recall the reboot gave "OS not found" or similar. The second time, the installation exited with "install exited abnormally", and upon reboot, grub threw error 15, at the point of loading stage 1.5. Both installation attempts installed all, or almost all, of the packages I requested before exiting abnormally. On the second attempt, the "install exited abnormally" was printed on VT1 quickly after a package (the last package?) was installed in the X session on VT7. I've asked for an "Everything" install. Besides that, I don't believe I changed any of the installer defaults. Has anyone else seen this, or can you offer a suggestion? David