Matthew Miller wrote:
On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 09:16:35AM -0400, Janina Sajka wrote:
machine 1 k6/2 500mhz 256Mb geforce4
machine 1 celeron 933mhz 256Mb geforce2
The lower speced machine is far,far,far quicker (gnome etc).
I'm also wondering the same thing.
My fast machine is a Pentium 2 clocking at 348 Mhz with 192 Mb RAM
The Celeron slowpoke clocks at 701 and sports 512 Mb RAM
How are you measuring fast? For some workloads, that's completely to be
(I'm still wondering which the original poster thinks is a "higher speced"
To add to this thread.
On another list, there is discussion about FC4 being slower than
Windows on the same hardware. Default installation and text entry
being to slow to refresh the screen when typing in OOo.
Slow enough to be a show stopper.
Robin Laing