On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 16:51:33 +0200, Cimmo wrote: > Michael Schwendt ha scritto: > > >Wow, how about you provide some detail session logs? Your problem > >description like > > > > > For details open 152566 bug report. The picture? It only says "Exiting on user cancel". It does not say which repositories you have configured and which repository yum tried to access. It does not say how yum failed, because you interrupted it at some unknown point of time. > Seems that changing from b-52 back to the default hostname > "localhost.localdomain" let yum to work. > It's strange, yum take care about it? > With b-52 browsers and ping works... What is in your files /etc/hosts and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg* compared with the non-working state?