FC5 wishlist:
1/ installer of CD ISO's that work, unlike the biggest botch job of all
time as with FC4 where you have a bug in syslinux and have to break it
by giving it an error then the real command line
2/ openoffice install that doesnt fail with unknown crash error
when you start it so it gets past the splash screen
3/ Evolution upgrade that doesnt resemble balsa and all hte icons
throughout it actually ened to work
4/ an i810 driver that works properly like FC1 used to and doesnt
lock up on exiting X and fail to allow you to go to a VC
5/ xcdroast that asks for root password rather than bailing
6/ no need for 6 reinstalling FC1 again from backups tomorrow because it
I think QC's for FC4 should be sacked and by christ if they worked
for me they would be, I've seen less of a fuckup with windows, and im
talking win 3.10!
here we are only released a week ago and already hte updated/4/ dir is
over populated.
this bullshit only gives fuel to the BSD and Windows propoganda machines.
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005, Mark Bradbury wrote: