Hello; I am running FC4 Test. I upgraded last night, a lot of it was xwindow stuff. Now I cannot 'startx' as a user: ---------------------------------------------------------------- xauth: timeout in locking authority files /home/mick/.Xauthority Fatal server error: Cannot move old log file ("/var/log/Xorg.0.log" to "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old" ---------------------------------------------------------------- (This was written down and typed in, right now I am in FC2.) I can 'startx' as root. I deleted the user mick and the home directory. Then recreated it. Also as a diferent user. Same thing thanks Mick M. Dogs have Masters - Siamese Cats have Staff! __________________________________ Discover Yahoo! Have fun online with music videos, cool games, IM and more. Check it out! http://discover.yahoo.com/online.html