Dave Jones wrote:
On Wed, Jun 01, 2005 at 01:27:24AM -0400, Jonathan Deitch wrote:
> >if you change the /etc/inittab so it defaults to runlevel 3 instead of 5,
> >it should stay on the console, instead of starting X.
> >Then, hopefully you'll see something after the nmi watchdog triggers.
> Believe it or not, I just found the solution to this issue ...
> USB Legacy was enabled in the bios, on the suggestion from someone in
> #Fedora, I disabled this and it fixed the problem.
Excellent. That setting has caused no end of different problems.
Are we at the point where it needs to be in the Fedora FAQs to simply
disable this, period, prior to installation? That would solve soooo
many problems, including mine ...
- JD