I started a similar discussion under Re: missing dependency "libgnutls.so.11(GNUTLS_REL_1_0_9)" We can surely continue it here as this surely deserves its own thread. For the record, that is four 64b processor users hit by the problem so far. Sylvain Le Dimanche 24 Avril 2005 03:00, Richard Ramson a écrit : > I know I saw another post on this today but I can't find it now. > Since I just updated my PC with the latest kernel updates, my pc is > now rebooting about every 5 minutes. I hope someone is working on > fixing this real soon. :) > -- > CPU: AMD Athlon™ 64 Processor Model Number 3000+ 1.8GHz 512KB 939-pin > Motherboard: GA-K8NXP-SLI nForce4 SLI chipset > Memory: (2 total 2 GB) Kingston 1GB Kit (PC3200 / 400MHZ CL3A) DDR Memory > Video Card: eVGA GeForce 6600 / 256MB DDR / PCI Express / VGA / Video Card > Sound: Onboard > HDD: 2 IBM 120GB ( 1 for WinXP 64 bit & 1 for FC4T2) > Monitor: DCL / DCL9A / 19-Inch / SXGA / 700:1 / Black / 16ms / LCD > Monitor w/ Speakers