Now a little howto for all who can�t wait to install FC4 test on their dell latitude :-) Howto make an bootable FC4 disk with isolinux 2.11 under another existing linux: 1.Copy the iso file from the FC4test2 CD1 download in your homedirectory, or if you have only the bootable cd, put all from the CD in an iso file with the following command (I do it this way): mkisofs -o FC_3.91_CD1.iso -R /dev/cdrom hints: FC_3.91_CD1.iso is the name for the file that would be created. /dev/cdrom is the device with the ready burned CD, sometimes /media/dvdrecorder or what ever. It depends on your hardware. You need arround 2G free space in your homedirectory !!! 2.Make a subfolder in your home directory and in this one for the CD1 mkdir fedoracd cd fedoracd mkdir CD1 cd .. 3.Now it�s time to be root :-) and mount the *.iso file to the CD1 location. After that you will see the same files in the CD1 directory as you take a look on the CD. su mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro FC_3.91_CD1.iso fedoracd/CD1 4.Copy the directory where you would make changes as described in the next. The blank and dot at the end are very important, don�t forget them. cd fedoracd cp -a CD1/isolinux . 5.After that you must saw an directory with the name isolinux in the fedoracd directory. Now it�s time to get the file isolinux.bin from a FC3 from somewhere into the fedoracd folder. As root you could overwrite the new isolinux.bin with the old version after that. cp /FROM_SOMWHERE/isolinux.bin home/yourname/fedoracd/isolinux.bin cp isolinux.bin /isolinux/isolinux.bin you need a little bit concentration for the very long next command line, please write down all of it in ONE LINE, the CR+LF are only a blank, only for you to make it easier to read! A describtion for the most values are added. mkisofs -o FC_3.91A_CD1.iso -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -joliet-long -P Fedora -r -T -V FC-3.91a-CD1 -x CD1/isolinux -graft-points CD1 isolinux/=isolinux hints: -o : is for the output file name -b : makes the cd bootable -boot-load-size 4 : also the same value for dvd -P : name of the publisher -r : readable -T : renew automaticly all trans.tbl files!!! (you need it for fedora cds) -V : Volume name 7.Took the output iso file and burn the cd with your prefered application. Have fun with all other hills you must climb up to run FC4 installation on your c600. Oliver