Getting this error from up2date... up2date-gnome-4.4.14-2 up2date-4.4.14-2 Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 1250, in ? sys.exit(main() or 0) File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 800, in main fullUpdate, dryRun=options.dry_run)) File "/usr/sbin/up2date", line 1137, in batchRun File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 78, in run self.__dryRun() File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 163, in __dryRun self.percentCallback) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 386, in dryRun ret = depsolve.solvedep() File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 722, in solvedep ret = self.process_deps(deps) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 616, in process_deps changed = self.__dependencies(dependencies) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 323, in __dependencies msgCallback = self.msgCallback) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/", line 97, in solveDep msgCallback = msgCallback) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/repoBackends/", line 132 , in solveDep msgCallback = self.msgCallback) File "/usr/share/rhn/up2date_client/repoBackends/", line 60, in ge tSolutions provs = self.pkgSack.searchProvides(unknown) AttributeError: RpmmdSolveDep instance has no attribute 'pkgSack' This is by running up2date -u from command line. Looks like still get same problem with GUI, via forward/next button not highlighted nor the select all option not selecting all the packages listed. -- Mike Chambers Madisonville, KY "It's only funny until someone gets hurt...Then it's hilarious!"