Peter Jones ha scritto:
Just wanted to be sure it was this not manually selecting it. Can you
be sure and put this info in the bug when you file it?
No, no, no. In the bug, so it doesn't get lost completely if somebody
else were to get assigned to fixing it, and so all the details are in
one place.
I have understood, but want to be sure that it is a bug and not a "not
an issue"
A package with code that does some parts of our bootloader installation.
So I will fill against anaconda or booty? 50&50? :)
I don't think I've seen this as a bug
Why not?
Why not what? I said to file it! :)
I thought you are thinking that it isn't a bug :)
Now I've understood, you mean that you didn't see in bugzilla right? :)
Now I add another bug :)