> > Here's a question -- does grub work yet if your boot device is >2TB? > > Yes, no, and maybe. It depends on how you partition, and we don't yet > do GPT partitioning; that's an installer bug and an fdisk/parted bug as > much as anything else. Somebody's been threatening to send me a box to > use to fix it, but nothing has shown up yet. I'll start coding it blind > at some point, I guess... OK, let me get this straight. "Some people can't use this at all, it doesn't work at all for them, but because it works for me they have to use what I use, like it or lump it." I'll try test2 later this week, but I've already had to stop testing my install of test1 because disk druid trashed my partition table (in a well known yet still completely stupid manner) on install. But there's no other way to fdisk with the installer, so I can't install. So there's no way to install with some systems because it messes up the partition table. And there's no way to install with other systems cuz it won't boot after cuz grub just plain doesn't work. And the Fedora team is going to fix these problems by eliminating the tools that do work? I think I can see why the "switch to Mac!" articles have been so common lately. Dana "Hmm, wonder if I can switch back to BSD?" Lacoste PS: OpenOffice in minimal install? PPS: Perhaps labelling Fedora as a "desktop-only, NO SERVER SUPPORT" OS would be appropriate?