On Mon, Apr 11, 2005 at 12:45:17AM -0400, seth vidal wrote: > Do me a favor. > Everytime someone mentions isos, you mention jigdo. However, what I've > never seen you do is link to jigdo-ized releases of fedora. > try it sometime. > do a jigdo from fc4t1 to fc4t2 isos. Ok. I'll do that tomorrow for fc4t2. > I wanna see what sort of bandwidth saving is possible. Rather than just > take your word and jigdo's website word for it. Well, for the mirrors, the bandwidth savings would be pretty obvious since they would only need to downloaded the distro once, not thrice like many of them do now (tree + CDs + DVD). > Let's get some numbers, shall we? More interesting would be rsyncing the tree from rawhide -> test -> final release, then using master-server-provided jigdo files to create the CD and DVD ISOs. I agree that getting numbers for this would be worthwhile. I'll see what I can do here.