On Fri, 2005-04-01 at 10:01 -0800, Caleb B. Warta wrote: > Ok this is a vary common monitor and is not that old in fact I know > two people that just picked one up > > > > Compaq 7550 > > > > It was in the list in FC3 but is not currently in the list for FC4 and > it support higher then 1600x1200 res I know it supports atleast that > but you get a error on the monitor when you tell FC4 to use a unknown > monitor that supports 1600x1200 > Do you have the .inf file for this monitor? This monitor is listed in the Compaq section already in FC4: Compaq;Compaq 7550 Color Monitor;cpq1446;30.0-86.0;50.0-140.0;1 If those refresh rates are wrong, then they can be changed but the monitor should be there in the list in system-config-network. Dan