First of all it is still impossible to see everything of what is installed in the distribution or everything of what is available. Second: Package names are presented in a haphazard order. Today I needed to install openmotif (on an FC3 box) and since I didn't want to go hunting on 4 CDs (and then fight dependencies) I tried using system-config-packages. Finding it was made much harder first by the need to guess in what group it was but also by the fact package names were not ordered. At the very least we should be able to see the non-optional packages of a group (in alphabetical order) followed by the optional packages in optional order. System-config-packages really needs, I would say, requires, an option allowing to see everything instead of just a subset of the distribution like presently. Yes, I filed an RFE a loooong time ago. But FC4 will be still another release of Fedora where most of the distribution is not visible from system-config-packages so the only solution is use RPM from the command line, while fighting dependencies and trying to find what CD has the required package. BTW: the people at have added the "see everything" option to both system-config-packages and anaconda. -- Jean Francois Martinez <jfm512@xxxxxxx>