My Solution to this same problem was to do two things:
1. use the -vm flag on startup to point to another JVM, in my case, java
sdk1.5.0_02. e.g., eclipse -vm /usr/share/java/jdk1.5.0_02/jre/bin/java
2. the other was to change the write permissions for the plugins and
features subdirectories in the eclipse deploy directory: /usr/share/eclipse.
I can now perform software updates and install plug-ins and so on. This
may help your situation.
Henry Pierre wrote:
Hello !
I'm new to this mailing list, and I ask you to not blame me for my low
english skill.
I'm trying fedora core 4, and in particular the native eclipse platform.
I've configured a CVS repository, which I access through extssh.
But when I try to fetch the children of the Head tree, i received this
error :
An internal error occurred during: "Fetching Children of HEAD" <<<
And the jvm launch this exception : DH <<<
Has someone an idea about this problem?