Craig Thomas schrieb:
On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 19:12 +0100, Roger Grosswiler wrote:
Roger Grosswiler wrote:
try to create a new database with the openoffice-thing. i can open the
app, but after telling - create new database, it closes...
even here - nothing in log or dmesg.
Ok, i've seen, the database are created,
Same here. Databases are created, but trying to view tables is imposible
as the correct driver is never found for dBase dbs, at least.
When trying I get the following:
"The connection to the data source "file:///home/cwt/test-db1.odb" could
not be established."
"Error code: 1000
The specified driver could not be loaded!"
"Error code: -1
while resolving class: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"
I created test-db1.odb with with just defaults.
the thing is, that i do not know at all, what kind of db it is. at
least, i imagine, that the type of database created by oo-db is not on
the screen at all ;-)
i've been launching it double-clicking the db in nautilus, as the
extension is known, oo-db starts correctly, but you cannot work on it,
as it misses java.