Hello All-
I just ran headfirst into bug 151234
(https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=151234) whereby
the FC4T1 DVD is not bootable. (whoops!) Maybe now that Linus Torvalds
is using a Power Mac
-5606030.html) he can help troubleshoot some of these issues ;)
In any case, does anyone have any instructions on making the install
work on a Power Mac? I would love to help report bugs, but it's hard
to do when I can't install the OS in the first place. I have seen some
references to mounting the ISO and extracting the boot CD and/or using
Paul's USB Boot Image (http://people.redhat.com/pnasrat/ppcboot.img)
but when I attempt to mount the ISO or the boot image using the Disk
Utility on OS X, I get a message that there are no mountable
For that matter, the burned DVD is not readable from within OS X
(although the i386 version is...)
Any thoughts?
-Sean :)