Ian Pilcher wrote:
Does anyone know how to verify the SHA1 checksum of the FC4 DVD ISO file? I tried openssl (on Fedora Core 3), but it complains that the file is too big.
"MD5SUM" "md5sum -c" "SHA1SUM" "sha1sum -c" the easy way. create a file with your iso-line(s) and let sha1sum check it. dvd iso: $ grep DVD.iso SHA1SUM > sha1sum-dvd $ sha1sum -c sha1sum-dvd iso 1-5: $ sha1sum -c sha1sum-1-5 FC4-test1-ppc-disc1.iso: Ok FC4-test1-ppc-disc2.iso: Ok FC4-test1-ppc-disc3.iso: Ok FC4-test1-ppc-disc4.iso: Ok FC4-test1-ppc-disc5.iso: Ok $ -- shrek-m