Hi, I noticed default firewall rules setup by system-config-securitylevel, a port is opened to Internet Printing Protocol port 631 allowing UDP connections. Rule; -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 631 -j ACCEPT Points; 1. You need to add a rule to accept 631 on TCP as well. Otherwise, IPP printing will not work. 2. I think that system-config-printer should not default open port 631 at all, but instead, should have an IPP check box instead (like the other check boxes for SSH, WWW, etc). Anyone at Red Hat interested in a patch to system-config-securitylevel, to add a IPP check box? I'd also add a box for (Rendezvous) which is also default open. The default for Rendezvous can be open if you like, but the patch would allow you to close it, for instance, on an external interface. Regards :)