On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 08:45:10PM -0500, Mail Lists wrote: > **4) 98% CPU stuck on htt_server - is this related or something else? 1) killing evo - rebooting machine and restarting evo - after 12 hours the runaway htt_server has not yet returned. 2) Initial memory usage was 170 MiB ... 12 hours later it is 202 MiB. This is definitely way better than before where it took about a week to reach 1 GiB - (as a ref point evo 1.4 would only last 1 day before it had to be killed - so we have progressed to 3 days for evo 2.0.2. and 2.0.4 is definitely improved from there. I cannot explain why an idle evo would grow 30 MiB in 12 hours - yes a small number of messages arrived at the imap store but still. Its a little early to say but so far the memory leak is defintely better - I cannot say it is all gone. I will monitor this over the next 48 hours and see how it fares and report back. regards, gene/