I've just got a couple of new (to me) Compaq P3-800 machines with i815 graphics on the motherboard. When I try installing FC3 as well as the usual problem of every second attempt crashing the machine when it enters graphics mode I have another problem. At the stage of getting to selecting packages the screen does not update. The dialog box "Reading Package Information..." remains on the screen, and then when I move the mouse cursor it changes the background color of "Install Default Software Packages" and "Customize Software Packages to be Installed" radio button text and thus causes them to appear (but the "Reading Package Information..." dialog is still on screen). If I continue then subsequent screens have the same problem and a graphical install is not feasible (and I imagine that if I did complete the install I would not be able to use X due to the same bug). Anyone else seen similar bugs? -- http://www.coker.com.au/selinux/ My NSA Security Enhanced Linux packages http://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/ Bonnie++ hard drive benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/postal/ Postal SMTP/POP benchmark http://www.coker.com.au/~russell/ My home page