I reinstalled FC3 on our server machine to try to get past the init 5 x respawning issue I had. (I suspect that x isn't installed on the server installation and thus trying to run level 5 was a mistake on my part...) Anyway: I installed the personal server setup and logged in. I then used Add/Remove Packages to unselect a bunch of packages that I don't need on the server: games, oofice, multimedia and so forth. When I try to remove oofice, I get: Packages Not Found: The following packages could not be found on your system. Installation cannot continue until they are installed. openoffice.org requ'd by openoffice.org-libs, 1.1.2-10 gnome-media requ'd by gnome-volume-manager 1.1.0-5 gthumb requ'd by ditto libspi.so.0 libgail-gnome, 1.1.0-1 ... There are about 12 packages in the list I am going to run up2date to see if this fixes a few of them. -- Kim Lux (Mr.) Diesel Research Inc