I think synaptic (GUI RPM package manager) is the greatest! Since FC1,
I've like it. You can see how much space packages take, you can add ones
you don't have already and did not know about by browsing the list, you
can find upgrades on various servers.
But I don't hear any talk about it in here. Instead, you like that
boring old yum that has no pointy-clicky pizzazz and makes my head hurt
with syntax and fancy footwork. Synaptic used to be front-and-center in
the FC1 support web sites, but now it disappears from them. Why?
For example, the "Fedora Core 2 Tips and Tricks" page, which I have
found helpful, has dropped reference to synaptic
up2date has very few of the synaptic features, you know. up2date doesn't
list all available packages, doesn't let you see how many megs each one
takes after installation. Doesn't help you delete packages and figure
out dependencies.
The only problem I have with synaptic is figuring how to change my
configuration to point at FC tests and upgrades. So if you guys would
use synaptic too, then maybe you would post info on how I should
configure my repository settings so I can keep up with FC testing.
Paul E. Johnson email: pauljohn@xxxxxx
Dept. of Political Science http://lark.cc.ku.edu/~pauljohn
1541 Lilac Lane, Rm 504
University of Kansas Office: (785) 864-9086
Lawrence, Kansas 66044-3177 FAX: (785) 864-5700