On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 12:49 -0800, Vladimir G. Ivanovic wrote: > >>>>> "af" == Andrew Farris <fedora@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > > af> That, along with setting one little boolean 0 to a 1 in the kernel > af> specfile will give you the source code if you really need it. For most > af> external drivers, you don't. > > Exactly what does setting "%define buildsource 1" get you? I didn't do > this and I found a source tree in /usr/src/redhat/BUILD after > executing: > > rpm -ivh kernel-$(uname -r).src.rpm > cd `rpm --eval "%_topdir"` > rpmbuild -bb --target=noarch SPECS/kernel-2.6.spec > > This source tree can easily be moved to /usr/src. Then it looks > exactly like the kernel-sourcecode RPMs did. Correct, but you do not have the 'kernel-sourcecode' rpm installed, and if the purpose of building the source was to satisfy broken RPMs which required the sourcecode RPM this would not suffice. If you simply wanted the sources your method works fine except that the source tree is not prepared for your arch yet and it might be expected to be (nvidia's installer). To get the sources prepared all you need is rpmbuild -bp and then move the tree as you did (this should make prepare with the correct .config). -- Andrew Farris (lordmorgul) <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - CPE student, Cal Poly SLO, pgp keyid 4430F405 pgp.mit.edu "..the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmond Burke)