On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 06:07:08 -0700 Greg Morgan <drkludge@xxxxxxx> wrote: > I saw the announcement of wget Karsten Hopp on the Announcement list. > ..."This new release of wget adds support for large files >2Gb, p.e. DVD > ISOs."... I was trying to ftp the DVD ISO file. The ftp transfer was > hung. It may have been killed by the ftp server. I had to kill the ftp > transfer. I downloaded the wget rpm and used rpm -Fvh to install it on > FC2. wget -V reports > wget -V > GNU Wget 1.9+cvs-stable (Red Hat modified) > .... > I used wget -c > ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/3/i386/iso/FC3-i386-DVD.iso last > night before going to bed. I woke up to > 87% [+++++++++++++++++++++========> ] 2,147,476,904 12.92K/s ETA > 4:08:22File size limit exceeded > The complete trace of the session follows. I am leaving for work. > Please let me know if I need to buzilla this because it is not pilot error. Hi Greg, Please wait with bugzilla: I suspect it is a problem on your side. Can you please give the output of the following commands: 1. "rpm -q fedora-release" 2. "uname -a" 3. "rpm -qi wget" 4. "df ." (in the working dir) 5. "mount" 6. "ls -la" (in the working dir) greetings, Rob van Nieuwkerk