On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 19:19 -0500, Ernest L. Williams Jr. wrote: > On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 18:06 -0600, Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote: > > On Sun, 2004-11-07 at 12:27 -0500, Jeff Spaleta wrote: > > > <lecture mode> > > > The development tree... just came out of release freeze. And very > > > new.. very raw packages are now showing up in the development tree. > > > Its not completely unexpected to see very new packages be included > > > that have packaging problems, like missing dependancies or wrong > > > dependancies. You can't really think of the development tree as being > > > updates for fc3test releases any longer. What development is being > > > used for starting yesterday, is staging for fc4. > > > > > > > While I noticed Chris's displeasure at the lecture, *I* didn't know > > that. Not having been exposed to Rawhide until about two weeks ago, I > > would have expected the "unfreeze" to happen *on* the release date of > > FC3, not a couple of days earlier. > > > > Of course, I can see the point since now that the code is being > > distributed and the mirrors are being populated, there's no point in a > > Rawhide freeze any more. Didn't see it coming and wouldn't have > > predicted it, but can understand it. > > > > Spoon-feeding the Rawhide newbies with a quick one-line announcement of > > such events is a totally unnecessary little detail, which would > > nevertheless be gratefully appreciated if at some point it occurs to > > someone to do something like that. > > Thanks for this post. I was also getting confused today. > > I would like to point one of my boxes to the Fedora Core3 Updates > Repository. > Can someone tell me what to put in my "/etc/yum.conf" and > "/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources" files? > > Of course, I will keep one of my boxes pointed at rawhide in > anticipation of Fedora Core4 Test1, hmmm? If you have yum-2.1.11-3 already, /etc/yum.conf should have the entries you are looking for just commented out. Un-comment the [base], [updates- released] and (if you like) [updates-testing] sections and comment out the [development] entries. You also may need to tweak a couple of other things the first time through in the event that $releasever is still set to 2.92 as opposed to 3. ..After this last point, I'll choose to ignore (and thus continue to express my displeasure) Jef's other replies, which while they may have had good information for others, were in my opinion, voiced in an immature fashion. There are ways to reply with useful "rawhide newbie" info and not be offensive. Spewage for perceived spewage doesn't help. Cheers, Chris -- ====================== When the solution is simple, God is answering. -- Albert Einstein