That makes sense. On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 22:23 -0500, seth vidal wrote: > On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 20:22 -0700, Kim Lux wrote: > > Some of the packages I'm getting from the repositories are missing > > signatures (no big deal) or don't match their checksums. (Big deal, in > > my books) > > > > If one is using yum, one incident of either of these stops the upgrade > > cold. (Good thing/bad thing.) The good thing is that nothing gets > > installed that shouldn't. The bad thing is that it rejects all the > > other packages too. > > > > Is there a way to proceed with the install, automatically ignoring the > > unsigned packages and excluding the checksum missing packages ? > > > > Is there a way to have yum query the user for permission to install each > > package (and not kill all of them if the user rejects one) ? BTW this > > was a pet peeve of mine with up2date as well. > > > > Not really. B/c you'd have to recalculate all the dependencies > excluding the packages that have bad signatures or bad checksums. > > -sv > > -- Kim Lux (Mr.) Diesel Research Inc