On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 14:11 +0000, aldo santini wrote: > It is posible to upgrade my Fedora Core 2 to FC3 using yum? I've done a test upgrade of this but there are a few kinks to work out in the process. I think 90% of the problem comes from the dev->udev migration playing hell with devices. I'll have more information after tomorrow or the weekend. Right now the process is: - download yum from fc3rc/rawhide - download fedora-release from rawhide - install the gpg keys for fc3 to your rpmdb rpm --import url://of/your/gpgkeys - update both by hand: rpm -Uvh yum-* fedora-release* - check your repository configuration in /etc/yum.conf and in /etc/yum.repos.d to make sure you have the repositories you want, configured. - check to make sure everything is working correctly, run: yum list updates - You should see a huge number of packages in need of an update go by. - Do the upgrade itself. Run: yum upgrade The problems I've found so far: - dev->udev upgrade makes it impossible to open a new terminal - it's possible the network devices are not recovering on reboot - not sure why quite yet. - I'm going to try and break it down a bit and upgrade in smaller chunks to make it less oppressive to wait through that many packages being updated. I'm sure there will be other problems. -sv