On Wed, 27 Oct 2004, Timothy Sandel wrote: > 1. reiserfs-utils needs to be put back on CD1 so minimal install will > work with only 1 CD. We don't support reiserfs, and moving the package onto CD1 might bump other more important stuff off of CD1... > 2. xorg setup improperly gives a display size of "1920x1440". should be > 1800x1440. Hmm, I've heard other reports of problems with DDC probing, and occasionally seen them myself. Please add details onto an existing bugzilla report, or create a new bug. > 3. SCSI dvdrom is now correctly recognized, but "/media/dvdrom" > directory entry is not created and the device is not added to fstab. Hmm, we'd need more details on this one. Please look for an existing bugzilla report and comment on it, or create a new bug. > 4. k3b not installed with kde (maybe I missed something in the install > dialogs). To select particular packages to install, you'd need to do detailed package selection in anaconda during the install. After installation, you can use yum or up2date to install the package. -- Elliot