On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 12:16 -0700, Andrew Farris wrote: > On Thu, 2004-10-21 at 17:33 +0600, Alor wrote: > > While installing nVidia driver 6111 on FC3 test 3 > > with kernel 2.6.9-1.639 I get message: > > WARNING: Your kernel was configured to include rivafb support as a > > loadable kernel module. > > This is a warning telling you that the module was compiled, but not > necessarily if it is being used. You should be use rivafb even though > the kernel supplies it -- it will not interfere unless you deliberately > (and knowingly) are using it. (just make sure its not loaded, use lsmod) -correction- You *should NOT be* using rivafb, even though the kernel supplies it. -- Andrew Farris (lordmorgul) <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - CPE student, Cal Poly SLO, pgp keyid 4430F405 pgp.mit.edu "..the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." (Edmond Burke)