Yes, very related to the bug description in bugzilla ( )! Thank you very much. Seems to be a bug in kernel-2.6.8-1.624 , must go back to kernel-2.6.8-1.610 . How can I install a previous version of the kernel with no much pain? =) Where can I download it? (Sorry, I'm newbie) Thank you very much, guys! Brunno On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 22:57:46 -0600, Michal Jaegermann <michal@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 02:42:04AM -0200, Brunno Pessoa wrote: > > > > The problem is that I always receive the following message in the boot > > up process: > .... > > ERROR: /sbin/udevstart exited abnormally! > > ERROR: /sbin/udevstart exited abnormally! > > Quite likely something related to > > > > Does anyone can help me in this issue? > > Try first search through bugzilla, although it often fails to > find reports one even knows that they are there, and through > archives of this list. > > Michal >